Page name: oh wow its kyra ^.^ [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-02-27 21:18:47
Last author: kyraawr
Owner: kyraawr
# of watchers: 11
Fans: 0
D20: 2
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I am human.I am young. I am tall.. I am short. I am fat . I am thin. I am black. I am white. I am    . I am     . I am rich. I am poor. I am a boy . I am a   .. I don't know . I am  y. I am  . I am     . . I am    . I am straight. I am chirstian. I am jewsish. I am muslim. I DREAM . I WISH . I SMILE . I LAUGH . I CRY . I HURT . I WORK . I PLAY. I am a daughter . I am a son. I am a mother . I am a fauther. I make MISTAKES . I VOTE . I BLEED . I LOVE . i am HEAR . I am ME

Go to camera whore kayyy

Members Who lurve meeee hehe

1. [Pandora♥xcore] love! ^^ oh and I believe I was your wife at some point XD *huggles* feel the love! XD
1 1/2. [elf blood flows forever] I luvvers you!
2. [Enneigard Rebirth] Yes!
3. [GlassCasket] RAWK ON!!!!
4. [--Moana Marie--] YAY-NES!!!
5. [BrYaN] gotta love that sexy gansta look with that smokin body ;)
6.[Empty~Soul] I LOVE MY KYKY!!
7.[Sieg Heil!!.PK] Holy ish. Ky be my niece. And my illegitimate s*x toy. *cackle* Dun mess wit da famileh.
9.[(*|_Buster_|*)] (^__^) I signed it! YAY! *feels important*
10.[shadows of life] it been signed by a shadow
11.[Janator] U so friendly and always there to talk to .. mwah!
12.[My Sky's The Limit] Mesa ♥♥ you mucho Kyra! =^^=
14.[Chellie Bear] KYRA YAZLZ who couldnt love kyra??
15.[hytrjuhytjhgjg] you's a sexy bitch. do yoo want to touch my penis. do ya. do ya. Well, you've certainly been drinking your milk. =P Have my babies?
16.[DeeJay™] count me in!! phwoar!
17.[eyelinertears][me 2!!!!!]
18.[Nobodies Hero] well...
600. [;;Melodrama Junkie] Well duh! Shes gonna marry me haha..
1217.7 [phoenixborn] Why was I not told of this place Dammit! I LOVE YOOOU!!!

[]I want a boy with lips like morphine,Knock me out every time they touch me.
I wanna feel a kiss just crush me,And break me down.
I want a boy with lips like morphine,Blowa kiss that leaves me gasping.
And I wanna feel that lightning strike me,And burn me down.[]

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2006-10-27 [Nobodies Hero]: ooook...well obviously there's a good vibe in the room tonight....-_-

2006-10-27 [--Moana Marie--]: big definition there

2006-10-27 [hytrjuhytjhgjg]: whoa andrew. I guess you were in an even worse mood than me.

2006-10-27 [--Moana Marie--]: yeah.....................

2006-10-27 [spartan glory]: Ha, I guess so... Might the the coldness I feel in here.

2006-10-27 [spartan glory]: And this is also my cue to leave. Bye.

2006-10-27 [DeeJay™]: wow . . i need to up-grade my dictionary :(
hard: not soft; solid and firm to the touch; unyielding to pressure and impenetrable or almost impenetrable.

2006-10-27 [kyraawr]: guess what pics coming in just a few =] <33

2006-10-29 [--Moana Marie--]: nice new pics Kyra ^^

2006-10-30 [DeeJay™]: i agree! :)

2006-10-30 [--Moana Marie--]: yeah

2006-10-31 [lame!]: OMFG i came two times while looking at these XD

2006-10-31 [DeeJay™]: errr . . im not sure your supposed to tell people that. i didnt tell them when i did O.o

2006-10-31 [--Moana Marie--]: okay then...........

2006-10-31 [Nobodies Hero]: lil kreepy there [lame!]....0.o...mmm seems like kyra has another stalker...goody...-.-

2006-10-31 [--Moana Marie--]: .........DUN DUN DUN DUN....

2006-10-31 [kyraawr]: uhm...ew.

2006-10-31 [Elf_Person]: *laughs*thanks im the pimp at my school i just sold this dude for 10 dollars to this fat ugly chick

2006-10-31 [--Moana Marie--]: *laughs* nice

2006-10-31 [Elf_Person]: thanks

2006-10-31 [kyraawr]: o.O

2006-10-31 [Elf_Person]: hi kywa how is ya

2006-10-31 [Nobodies Hero]: yeah...thats kinda wrong sorry but that aint gangster...-.-

2006-10-31 [kyraawr]: hello rob im ok you?

2006-10-31 [Elf_Person]: im not sayin thats gangser im sayin im a pimp 2 totaly diffrent things,im good

2006-10-31 [Nobodies Hero]: right...and all im sayin is that your new "screen name" bein a pimp...isnt happenin...thas all im sayin...

2006-10-31 [Elf_Person]: eh im gunna change it soon i just needed a change

2006-10-31 [kyraawr]: white and nerdyyy

2006-10-31 [GlassCasket]: XD

2006-10-31 [spartan glory]: hmmm... pimp... yeah, I don't think they are high on the morality level. Maybe if you were a Priest, but... they aren't exactly the...same things...

2006-10-31 [Elf_Person]: im listen to that song right now

2006-10-31 [kyraawr]: o.o

2006-10-31 [Nobodies Hero]: describes ya pretty well i gotta say...

2006-10-31 [--Moana Marie--]: hello ppl

2006-10-31 [Elf_Person]: hey watch it dude im white but im not nerdy

2006-10-31 [GlassCasket]: XD nice one Zach! ROFL

2006-10-31 [Nobodies Hero]: your obviously "not" nerdy...thas why you dont have a pic up of yourself right?...^_~

2006-10-31 [--Moana Marie--]: no its ROTFLOL

2006-10-31 [Elf_Person]: well i hate the pic i had so i took it down

2006-10-31 [--Moana Marie--]: okay then

2006-10-31 [Nobodies Hero]: uh huh...exactly......see?...[ The Light Guardian] he knows what im sayin lol!!

2006-10-31 [GlassCasket]: *gang sign* XD

2006-10-31 [--Moana Marie--]: yeah

2006-10-31 [kyraawr]: o.O

2006-10-31 [Nobodies Hero]: agh there ya im havin fun lol...its been such a long week....*Smiles sadly*

2006-10-31 [GlassCasket]: *quadruple gang sign with both feet. Falls on ass as he pulls both feet out from under him.* XD

2006-10-31 [kyraawr]: you made him leave!!!!!

2006-10-31 [GlassCasket]: *Hides from Ky*

2006-10-31 [kyraawr]: GRRR! >_<!

2006-10-31 [Nobodies Hero]: well...he thinks hes somehting hes sorry but im not gonna satnd her and hear the stuff hes not i was angry or anything...*Shrugs*...things happen...

2006-10-31 [GlassCasket]: O.O SHE IS GOING HULK!!!

2006-10-31 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Kyraaaaaaaaaaaaaa :O

ooo I saw his picturee hehe

2006-10-31 [kyraawr]: T_T

2006-10-31 [--Moana Marie--]: *slaps [GlassCasket]* god damn!

2006-10-31 [GlassCasket]: what?

2006-10-31 [kyraawr]: whose pic?

2006-10-31 [Nobodies Hero]: i gotta agreee that was a little uncalled for thier...he was onyl playin around...if theres anybody to get slapped it will be me...well it "should" be me

2006-10-31 [--Moana Marie--]: your gonna make Zach leave again! stop being a dumb ass

2006-10-31 [Nobodies Hero]: im not leavin, well not yet it doesnt matter...but i will apologize to Kyra for hearin what she did...but i wont apologize for tellin it liek it is to Rob...

2006-10-31 [kyraawr]: T_T

2006-10-31 [--Moana Marie--]: hmmmmmmmmmmmm im bored HAPPY HALLOWEEN PEOPLES!

2006-10-31 [Nobodies Hero]: well not so happy any more...for some more than most..btu anyways...happy halloween to you...and everybody else of course...^^...even to you Kyra...but ill take the hint...itsbeen nice to talk to yall again...ill be going...*waves*

2006-10-31 [DeeJay™]: errr . . did i miss somethin?

2006-10-31 [kyraawr]: dont leave. i just want an apology this isnt a wiki for you to harass



2006-10-31 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ...o.0

2006-10-31 [kyraawr]: yep.

2006-10-31 [Nobodies Hero]: well like i said...i apoligze to YOU...for hearing that but i wont apologize to somebody who talks s*** and...and trya nd act like thier somehting thier not...that i "Wont" do...

2006-10-31 [kyraawr]: i never said apologize to him. but dont talk to him if you dont like him. hes my friend your my friend dont like someone dont talk to them? i wouldnt do this in your wiki if you had one so please dont do it in mine.

2006-10-31 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: You two shouldn't take this so seriously like no offense or anything..

2006-10-31 [kyraawr]: heh i dont care n.e more

2006-10-31 [--Moana Marie--]: DUDE BOTH OF STOP FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!

2006-10-31 [Nobodies Hero]: well i already did you anyways...but...lisaten this is just pointless to argue back and im just gonna say "yes" i said...i already apolgized to you want to accept it or entirely im gonna go...bye...

2006-10-31 [GlassCasket]: Doom! >:{

2006-10-31 [kyraawr]: i accept it !! no leave!

2006-10-31 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Ehh damn..He actually left too..Aww :( he was the only person talking to mee

2006-10-31 [kyraawr]: ...GRR! omg.

2006-10-31 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: it was most likely his parents again. dun worry kyra *hugs*

2006-10-31 [Nobodies Hero]: listen the reason i did go was becasue of little brother"timed" on here as it parenst are spychos....belive me i dint want to sorry for that...they barely give me enough time to say bye or anything...

2006-10-31 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: :P I was close...Brother parents same difference..

2006-10-31 [Nobodies Hero]: indeed....i just wish i had the free time erik way anyways....0.o

2006-10-31 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: lol..

2006-11-01 [--Moana Marie--]: okay...

2006-11-01 [kyraawr]: o.O lol

2006-11-01 [--Moana Marie--]: haha

2006-11-03 [Pandora♥xcore]: *hugs* wifey! ^_^

2006-11-04 [kyraawr]: *hugs* WIF3Y!!! =]

2006-11-04 [spartan glory]: **crosses arms** one...

2006-11-04 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *waves to herself* Myselfy!!! ^_^ eh nevermind....I have no one too lol

2006-11-04 [kyraawr]: lmao cute!

2006-11-04 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Rofl stop looking in the mirror silly

2006-11-04 [kyraawr]: hah im not cute ^_^

2006-11-04 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Are tooo

2006-11-04 [kyraawr]: are noot!

2006-11-04 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Are too!

2006-11-04 [Pandora♥xcore]: hello everyone ^^

2006-11-04 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Hiiii!

2006-11-04 [Pandora♥xcore]: lol ^^

2006-11-05 [DeeJay™]: howdy! :)

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: hi ^^

2006-11-05 [DeeJay™]: errr . . hello?

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: sorry >.>

2006-11-05 [DeeJay™]: ??? me isht confuzzled already :'(
what are you sorry for? o.O

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: idk >.>

2006-11-05 [DeeJay™]: hummm . . wanna start again? lol

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: sure lol XD

2006-11-05 [DeeJay™]: hey! how is everyone? :)

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: hello ^^

eh, been better, you?

2006-11-05 [DeeJay™]: im good thanx :)
did you have a good hallowe'en?

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: your welcome ^^

haha yesh XD you?

2006-11-05 [DeeJay™]: no, it was poo :(
no-one else would dress up with me, so i stayed in :'(
did you dress up?

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: aww i'm sorry v.v

yesh I did

2006-11-05 [DeeJay™]: coolio :)
what as?

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: yep ^^ I was a vampire

2006-11-05 [DeeJay™]: ooooh! sounds sexy! :P

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: ha it was XD

2006-11-05 [GlassCasket]: Back up buddy! *grabs his Becky and runs to the other side of the room growling at the other person* MINE! XD

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: calm down honey XD

2006-11-05 [GlassCasket]: XD

2006-11-05 [DeeJay™]: *runs away* O.O

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: XD *huggles*

2006-11-05 [GlassCasket]: i gotta go...*growls at other person* Stay away! XD bye bye babe ^^

2006-11-05 [DeeJay™]: farewell, hunny :)

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: ok byebyes sweetie *hugs* ^^ don't worry he won't do anything wrong XD

2006-11-05 [DeeJay™]: i'll take your word for it, darling :P

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: well at least I don't think you will....

2006-11-05 [GlassCasket]: He had better not... *poits to his eyes then at you* i know where you live...well not really...BUT I WILL FIND OUT!!!

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: lmao XD calm down Dan

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: eh no! nobody is going to go get anybody or hurt anybody or eh! ><

2006-11-05 [DeeJay™]: chorley. come get me :)   hehehe
oh, and 'poits' should have an 'n' in it somewhere :P

2006-11-05 [GlassCasket]: fuck you...

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: -__-

2006-11-05 [GlassCasket]: anyway im gonna leave before i get pissed...see ya later Beckers...

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: byebyes Dan

2006-11-05 [DeeJay™]: whoa! bit aggressive, huh?

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: ...

2006-11-05 [DeeJay™]: :O was it me?

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: i'm staying out of this sorry

2006-11-05 [DeeJay™]: hey, well it soon went from asking how your hallowe'en was, to growling, and i didn't do the growling

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: ok well...idk...lets go back to before...

2006-11-05 [DeeJay™]: *shrugs* im off-skis anyway :)

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: okies then, byebyes ^^

2006-11-05 [--Moana Marie--]: hello ppl

2006-11-05 [GlassCasket]: XD i am mean!!! *makes a mean face*

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: hello ^^

:o! no!

2006-11-05 [GlassCasket]: XD j/k

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: *smooshes his face into a smile* you are happy! XD

2006-11-05 [GlassCasket]: XD *Face is smushed* XD

2006-11-05 [Chellie Bear]: XD GO BECKY

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: see happy Dan! ^^ happy Dan=happy Becky XD

2006-11-05 [GlassCasket]: XD

2006-11-05 [--Moana Marie--]: lol he has a smushed face!

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: lol XD you can have one too!

2006-11-05 [--Moana Marie--]: lol NO!!!!!!!! *covers face*

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: sorry XD

-_- I would have been back sooner...but someone locked me outside -__-

2006-11-05 [--Moana Marie--]: its okay....


2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: stupid people XD

2006-11-05 [--Moana Marie--]: nice lol

2006-11-05 [Pandora♥xcore]: yea

2006-11-05 [--Moana Marie--]: yeah

2006-11-13 [kyraawr]: erm. who missed me?

2006-11-13 [Pandora♥xcore]: *attacks glomps* MEEEEEEEE! iiiiii>.<!!!!!!

2006-11-13 [kyraawr]: YAY!!!!!!!

2006-11-13 [Pandora♥xcore]: ya! ^_^ *hugs*

2006-11-13 [--Moana Marie--]: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!KYRA! *glomps*

2006-11-13 [Pandora♥xcore]: XD

2006-11-13 [--Moana Marie--]: :D

2006-11-13 [kyraawr]: =]

2006-11-13 [Pandora♥xcore]: ^_^

2006-11-13 [--Moana Marie--]: =D

2006-11-14 [Nobodies Hero]: ooo and boringness continues...XP

2006-11-14 [Pandora♥xcore]: yesh -.- I haven't been this bored in ages....

2006-11-14 [Nobodies Hero]: mmm...and it seems ive just been added to that collective....XP

2006-11-14 [--Moana Marie--]: ummmm im really bored right now and no one is talking to me

2006-11-14 [Pandora♥xcore]: nu uh! I have someone to talk to now! ^_^

2006-11-14 [--Moana Marie--]: YEAH!

2006-11-14 [Pandora♥xcore]: XD

2006-11-14 [--Moana Marie--]: :D

2006-11-14 [shadows of life]: I'm not here.......

2006-11-14 [Pandora♥xcore]: lol

2006-11-14 [shadows of life]: >_>

2006-11-14 [Pandora♥xcore]: ^_^

2006-11-14 [Nobodies Hero]: in the forum...AGAIN!

2006-11-14 [--Moana Marie--]: you know what lets have a party!

2006-11-14 [Nobodies Hero]: 0.o....ok ill bring aid?...lmao!! j/k!

2006-11-14 [Pandora♥xcore]: *chokes while eating her homemade ramen* PARTY?!?! :O!!!! baloons! music! food! dancing! party! YAY!

2006-11-14 [--Moana Marie--]: YEAH!

2006-11-14 [Pandora♥xcore]: oh yay! ^____________^

2006-11-14 [--Moana Marie--]: *turns on the big sound system*

2006-11-14 [Pandora♥xcore]: *puts in some music*

2006-11-14 [--Moana Marie--]: OH YEAH! wait what kind of music is that?

2006-11-14 [Pandora♥xcore]: ummm music? XD

2006-11-14 [--Moana Marie--]: what kind of music? like rap,rock,heavy metal,hip hop?

2006-11-14 [Pandora♥xcore]: umm hip hop I guess

2006-11-14 [--Moana Marie--]: okay then

2006-11-14 [shadows of life]: *disspears*

2006-11-14 [Pandora♥xcore]: ya

2006-11-14 [--Moana Marie--]: *dances to the music*

2006-11-14 [Pandora♥xcore]: *dances too*

2006-11-14 [--Moana Marie--]: *keeps dancing*

2006-11-14 [Pandora♥xcore]: *eats chips*

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